The Hactl 2023 Sustainability Report showcases our commitment to integrating sustainability into everyaspect of our operations, and driving a more sustainable air cargo industry. The four cornerstones of ourSustainability Strategy Framework — People, Partners, Planet, and Governance — underscore our holisticand proactive approach to sustainable development.The Hactl 2023 Sustainability Report showcasesour commitment to integrating sustainability intoevery aspect of our operations, and driving a moresustainable air cargo industry. The fourcornerstones of our Sustainability StrategyFramework — People, Partners, Planet, andGovernance — underscore our holistic andproactive approach to sustainable development.

In 2023, this included achievingvalidation of our newdecarbonisation targets by theScience Based Targets initiatives(SBTi); nurturing a menstruation-friendly workplace and societythrough the “Be My Buddy Buddy”programme; repurposing unused,outdated uniformsinto holdallsand toy bears employing people withdisabilities; curating our 2024Hactl Calendar featuring the work of12 artists from three non-profitorganisations; and launching the“Revive and Thrive” programme with community partners.
In 2023, this included achieving validation of our new decarbonisationtargets by the Science Based Targets initiatives (SBTi); nurturing amenstruation-friendly workplace and society through the “Be My BuddyBuddy” programme; repurposing unused, outdated uniforms intoholdalls and toy bears employing people with disabilities; curating our2024 Hactl Calendar featuring the work of 12 artists from three non-profitorganisations; and launching the “Revive and Thrive” programme withcommunity partners.
“Our comprehensive sustainabilityefforts are not just Hactl’s journey, buta collective movement made possiblethrough collaboration with the localcommunity, customers, supply chainpartners, and other key stakeholders.”“Our comprehensivesustainability efforts are notjust Hactl’s journey, but acollective movement madepossible throughcollaboration with the localcommunity, customers,supply chain partners, andother key stakeholders.”

“Be My Buddy Buddy” programme
“Be My Buddy Buddy” programme

New decarbonisation targets
New decarbonisation targets

“Revive and Thrive” programme
“Revive and Thrive” programme

2024 Hactl Calendar
2024 Hactl Calendar

Repurposing unused, outdated uniforms
Repurposing unused, outdated uniforms
By enabling a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment, we enhance thewellbeing and productivity of our people and attract and retain individuals who arepassionate about contributing to Hactl’s success.By enabling a safe, nurturing, andempowering environment, we enhance thewellbeing and productivity of our peopleand attract and retain individuals who arepassionate about contributing to Hactl’ssuccess.

MenstrualEquity:Reducing barriersfor females

Build a menstrual-friendly, caring and inclusive workplace
Build a menstrual-friendly,caring and inclusive workplace

We support Menstrual Equity, whichmeans equal and ready access tomenstrual products for all women;and promote gender equality, sohelping to build a menstrual-friendly,caring and inclusive workplace.We support Menstrual Equity, whichmeans equal and ready access tomenstrual products for all women;and promote gender equality, sohelping to build a menstrual-friendly,caring and inclusive workplace.In a proactive move towards inclusivity,we have joined forces with charitableorganisation Free Periods Hong Kong tocreate the “Hactl x Free Periods HongKong – Be My Buddy Buddy” campaign,launched in May 2023. We hosted aweek-long exhibition on menstrualequity in Sham Shui Po and ourSuperTerminal 1 base. Over 1,100members of the public and our staffattended, enabling the dispelling ofmenstruation myths, and encouraginggender-equal workplaces.In a proactive move towards inclusivity,we have joined forces with charitableorganisation Free Periods Hong Kongto create the “Hactl × Free PeriodsHong Kong — Be My Buddy Buddy”campaign, launched in May 2023. Wehosted a week-long exhibition onmenstrual equity in Sham Shui Po andour SuperTerminal 1 base. Over 1,100members of the public and our staffattended, enabling the dispelling ofmenstruation myths, and encouraginggender-equal workplaces.

We providefree menstrual productsand “Wellness Boxes”free menstrual productsand “Wellness Boxes”in easy-to-access locations
To foster an inclusive, supportive andgender-equal environment within ourown organisation, we provide freemenstrual products and “WellnessBoxes” containing items for relievingmenstrual discomfort, placed ineasy-to-access locations such aswomen’s washrooms and officepantries.To foster an inclusive, supportive andgender-equal environment within ourown organisation, we provide freemenstrual products and “WellnessBoxes” containing items for relievingmenstrual discomfort, placed ineasy-to-access locations such aswomen’s washrooms and officepantries.As the campaign’s lead sponsor, Hactlwill continue to work with FreePeriods Hong Kong to furtherpromote menstrual health andgender equality in schools and thewider community. As part of ourongoing effort on this issue, we havedonated 500 “Buddy Buddy GiftBoxes” filled with essential menstrualproducts for people in need.As the campaign’s lead sponsor, Hactlwill continue to work with FreePeriods Hong Kong to furtherpromote menstrual health andgender equality in schools and thewider community. As part of ourongoing effort on this issue, we havedonated 500 “Buddy Buddy GiftBoxes” filled with essential menstrualproducts for people in need.

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Wellness and Inclusion:
New Mindfulness Zone

Sharing is Caring:
Wellbeing is a collective endeavor

Elevating Standards:
Hactl’s 5S certification journey

Investing in the Future:
Talent development drives growth
Key Figures
Reduction inwork-related injuriessince 2018Reduction in work-related injuries since 2018
Female representation inthe Senior ManagementTeamFemale representation inthe Senior ManagementTeam
Our vision to drive a more sustainable air cargo industry cannot be achieved inisolation, so our Sustainable Strategy Framework aims to create and developpartnerships for positive change.Our vision to drive a more sustainable aircargo industry cannot be achieved inisolation, so our Sustainable StrategyFramework aims to create and developpartnerships for positive change.

UniformlySustainable:Repurposing textile waste

Responsible businesses can avoid addingto our city’s burgeoning landfills
Responsible businesses can avoid adding to ourcity’s burgeoning landfills

In 2023, we introduced smart newuniforms for all frontline workers, to bettermeet the needs of our colleagues.In 2023, we introduced smart newuniforms for all frontline workers, tobetter meet the needs of ourcolleagues.We recognised that textile waste is apressing concern and set out todemonstrate how responsible businessescan avoid adding to our city's burgeoninglandfills, by seeking alternative solutions.We recognised that textile waste is apressing concern and set out todemonstrate how responsiblebusinesses can avoid adding to ourcity's burgeoning landfills, by seekingalternative solutions.

All fabric, buttonsand zips were fullyre-utilised and given asecond life
All fabric, buttons and zipswere fully re-utilised andgiven asecond life

In collaboration with a talented localfashion designer and the dedicatedteam of community workers at St.James’ Settlement Jockey ClubUpcycling Centre, we embarked onan innovative upcycling initiative,transforming 8,000 unused, outdateduniforms into stylish and functionalbags and enchanting teddy bears. Allfabric, buttons and zips were fully re-utilised and given a second life.In collaboration with a talented localfashion designer and the dedicatedteam of community workers at St.James’ Settlement Jockey ClubUpcycling Centre, we embarked on aninnovative upcycling initiative,transforming 8,000 unused, outdateduniforms into stylish and functionalbags and enchanting teddy bears. Allfabric, buttons and zips were fully re-utilised and given a second life.While helping to live up to ourenvironmental objectives, ourpartnership with St. James’Settlement has also providedwelcome employment for individualswith disabilities.While helping to live up to ourenvironmental objectives, ourpartnership with St. James’ Settlementhas also provided welcomeemployment for individuals withdisabilities.

ReviveandThrive:Reviveand Thrive:Hactl’supcycling partnershipHactl’s upcycling partnership

Diverting discarded woodenpallets at SuperTerminal 1 fromlandfill
We actively seek out innovativepartnerships to serve people and theplanet. In 2023, alongside our majorityshareholder Jardine Matheson Group, weproudly spearheaded the “Revive andThrive” initiative to tackle wooden palletwaste.We actively seek out innovativepartnerships to serve people and theplanet. In 2023, alongside our majorityshareholder Jardine Matheson Group,we proudly spearheaded the “Reviveand Thrive” initiative to tackle woodenpallet waste.Working with local social enterpriseDOSHA Woodcraft and charitableorganisation People Service Centre, wehave succeeded in diverting discardedwooden pallets at SuperTerminal 1 fromlandfill, and upcycling them into practicalitems for underprivileged families.Working with local social enterpriseDOSHA Woodcraft and charitableorganisation People Service Centre, wehave succeeded in diverting discardedwooden pallets at SuperTerminal 1 fromlandfill, and upcycling them intopractical items for underprivilegedfamilies.

received itemscreated by the schemereceived item created by thesscheme

Over a six-month period in 2023, “Revive and Thrive”attracted more than 200 volunteers from the JardineMatheson Group and Hactl, who visited local families tobetter understand their specific needs. DOSHAvolunteers guided workshop participants to transform thewooden pallets into goods such as tablet stands,shelving and cots. By the project's close, 66 childrenand 6 families from underprivileged backgroundsreceived items created by the scheme.Over a six-month period in 2023,“Revive and Thrive” attracted more than200 volunteers from the JardineMatheson Group and Hactl, whovisited local families to betterunderstand their specific needs.DOSHA volunteers guided workshopparticipants to transform thewooden pallets into goods such astablet stands, shelving and cots.By the project's close, 66 children andsix families from underprivilegedbackgrounds received items createdby the scheme.
Renewed Curiosity:RenewedCuriosity:2024Hactl Calendar2024 Hactl Calendar

Celebrating the connection betweenart, nature, andthe human spiritCelebrating the connection betweenart, nature, andthe human spirit

To close 2023 in style, we created adistinctive 2024 calendar entitled “TheMuseum of Curious Minds”, featuring 12unique artworks crafted by artists fromthree non-profit organisations: St. James’Settlement, Blossom Minds and New LifePsychiatric Rehabilitation Association.To close 2023 in style, we created adistinctive 2024 calendar entitled “TheMuseum of Curious Minds”, featuring12 unique artworks crafted by artistsfrom three non-profit organisations: St.James’ Settlement, Blossom Minds andNew Life Psychiatric RehabilitationAssociation.The collection aims to provoke meaningfulconversation and create a space toexplore the possibility and richness ofsocial diversity and inclusivity in theworkplace and our community.

Printed on environmentally-friendly paperusing soy ink, the calendar symbolises ourcommitment to diversity and inclusion bycelebrating the connection between art,nature, and the human spirit.The collection aims to provokemeaningful conversation and create aspace to explore the possibility andrichness of social diversity andinclusivity in the workplace and ourcommunity.Printed on environmentally-friendlypaper using soy ink, the calendarsymbolises our commitment to diversityand inclusion by celebrating theconnection between art, nature, and thehuman spirit.

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Celebrating Sustainably:
Gifting responsibility from the heart

Up and Away:
Elevating standards for animal welfare
Key Figures
We strive to be at the forefront of sustainability for the air cargo industry, paving the way to a low-carbon future and integrating innovative sustainability practices into all the daily operations of ourworld-class handling facility.We strive to be at the forefront ofsustainability for the air cargo industry,paving the way to a low-carbon future andintegrating innovative sustainabilitypractices into all the daily operations of ourworld-class handling facility.

ScienceBasedTargetsLeading the way tozero carbonLeading the way to zero carbon

In November 2023, Hactl announcedgreenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation targetsthat have been validated by the ScienceBased Targets initiative (SBTi). Thisendorsement from a highly-regardedinternational organisation underscores thecredibility of Hactl’s science-based targetsetting.In November 2023, Hactl announcedgreenhouse gas (GHG) mitigationtargets that have been validated by theScience Based Targets initiative (SBTi).This endorsement from a highly-regarded international organisationunderscores the credibility of Hactl’sscience-based target setting.
Halve emissionsbefore 2030 and achievenet-zero before 2050

Reduce absolutescope 1 and 2GHG emissions by 2030,from a 2018 base yearReduce absolutescope 1 and 2GHG emissions by 2030, from a 2018base year
Reduce absolutescope 3GHG emissions by 2030,from a 2018 base yearReduce absolutescope 3GHG emissions by 2030, from a 2018base year
Halve emissions before 2030and achieve net-zero before 2050
The SBTi is a collaboration between CDP,the United Nations Global Compact,World Resources Institute (WRI), andWorldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). It is awell-respected, global organisationchampioning the adoption of science-based targets as a standard for corporateresponsibility.The SBTi is a collaboration betweenCDP, the United Nations GlobalCompact, World Resources Institute(WRI), and Worldwide Fund for Nature(WWF). It is a well-respected, globalorganisation championing the adoptionof science-based targets as a standardfor corporate responsibility.By participating in this initiative, Hactlofficially joins the global commitment tohalve emissions before 2030 andachieve net-zero before 2050.By participating in this initiative, Hactlofficially joins the global commitment tohalve emissions before 2030 andachieve net-zero before 2050.

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Reducing Waste at Source:
Preparing for Municipal Solid Waste Charging

Green Week:
Showcasing a sustainable future
Key Figures
Reduction in absolutescope 1 and 2 GHGemissions since 2018Reduction in absolutescope 1 and 2 GHGemissions since 2018
Reduction in absolutescope 3 GHGemissions* since 2018Reduction in absolutescope 3 GHGemissions* since 2018
Reduction inenergy consumptionsince 2018
Waste divertedfrom landfill
Trust has been the cornerstone of Hactl’s success since its creation in 1976.We are proud to implement strong governance practices and a responsive riskmanagement framework, and to nurture a corporate culture that is deeply rootedin ethical behaviour.Trust has been the cornerstone of Hactl’s success since its creation in 1976. We are proud to implement strong governance practices and a responsive risk management framework, and to nurture a corporate culture that is deeply rooted in ethical behaviour.

SafeguardingTrust:Cybersecurityand data privacy

A 27-hourIT DisasterRecoveryDrillA 27-hour IT DisasterRecovery Drillaffirmed our infrastructure’s robustness
Hactl processes over a million datatransactions daily through its self-developed and highly sophisticated cargomanagement system, COSAC-Plus. Ourrobust cybersecurity and data protectionmeasures ensure the utmostconfidentiality and security, as mandatedby Hong Kong and EU data protectionlaws. We proactively equip staff with theknowledge to combat digital threatsthrough monthly training, backed byrigorous control measures. A 27-hour ITDisaster Recovery Drill was conducted inChinese New Year 2023, which affirmedour infrastructure’s robustness,maintaining service continuity and alsohighlighting areas for potentialenhancement.Hactl processes over a million datatransactions daily through its self-developed and highly sophisticatedcargo management system, COSAC-Plus. Our robust cybersecurity anddata protection measures ensure theutmost confidentiality and security, asmandated by Hong Kong and EU dataprotection laws. We proactively equipstaff with the knowledge to combatdigital threats through monthlytraining, backed by rigorous controlmeasures. A 27-hour IT DisasterRecovery Drill was conducted inChinese New Year 2023,which affirmed our infrastructure’srobustness, maintaining servicecontinuity and also highlighting areasfor potential enhancement.